Here is a link to our latest presentation slide deck:
Results of Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Measurements by UltraTest, Germany

Some Video Links

Shotcrete v SpaceCrete
Shooting Concrete compared to Ultra-Rapid Light-Vertical Slip-Forming with Vibration

3D Printing Concrete Homes: Doing it Wrong?
Are present practices really saving time and cost?

Building Science and 3D Printed Walls
Effects of the Code on Printed Concrete Thermal Performance

Is 3D printing concrete using the wrong sequence?
Does it make more sense to print foam first? Position “precise” window bucks before printing concrete?

Vertical Build Concrete

SpaceCrete Concentrate
A 5-minute overview of SpaceCrete method development with some animation toward the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j_Q-9WUUHI

SpaceCrete Bench Test
A 3 minute demonstration of a concrete mix design and how it behaves when the forms are removed:

Concrete Placement with an Excavator
A 5-minute look at proof-of-concept on a retaining wall project and where the method is going: https://youtu.be/Di22M9qtIqE

“Lab” Demonstrations
3D-Admix with Neat Cement and Concrete
A very brief demonstration of the 3D-Admix – queued up to near the end: https://youtu.be/C9FCWT5Tjs0?t=644
(The rest of it is helpful as well)

The Slip Screed
6.5 minutes viewing of the new workshop walls with some Big Screed animation at the end:

A Stacking Test of Normal Concrete
We ordered concrete and for fun stacked freeform it as we could without a robot: https://youtu.be/fP7BA-B5A44

Making the Case
The Big Screed – Rapid Vertical Slip-Forming A more thorough video with animation – to compare present
construction practices with the SpaceCrete methods:
Document links to come later, thank you!