A few drops of water gels 3D-AdmixTM
3D-AdmixTM liquid is HIGH OCTANE FUEL to enable vertical-build concrete coming from any source. A 100% concentrate SRA (Shrinkage Reducing Agent) liquid carrier is packed with nano-solids that radically modify concrete rheology, compensate early shrinkage, densify and strengthen any portland cement concrete.
Now we offer you proof of 3D-AdmixTM performance, available in 4-fluid-ounce test portions.
3D-AdmixTM includes a reactive agent known to provide significant inoculation to ASR (Alkali Silica Reaction), though nothing will replace the use of appropriate aggregate material at a proper gradation distribution. 3D-AdmixTM provides immediate fluid modification and a very rapid setting of cement, so for general construction applications, it must be proportioned into a line of pumped concrete, providing continuous output of modified concrete. We can provide this inline-injection system. For small projects, decorative concrete, and materials testing, 3D-AdmixTM can be intermixed in a pail with a paddle mixer. As 3D-AdmixTM will cancel most effect from a retarder or set-stabilizer, a larger batch of mixed concrete can easily be subsequently modified in small batches, or continuously within a pump line. 3D-AdmixTM will also cancel out most effect from water reducers, creating a tendency to overdose.
We have developed variations of 3D-AdmixTM for different applications. The 4 oz purchase available here is our primary formulation, OP, which serves the vast majority of applications. If another formulation may suit your need better, we prefer that you start with testing version OP, so that we have a reference point to determine the extent that another formulation may be better suited.
3D-AdmixTM Formulations
OP / Optimal Performing is for structural applications where a rapid vertical build rate is important. It provides the optimal blend of theology modification, set acceleration; also, with shrinkage reduction and compensation, concrete densification, and ASR inoculation, depending on dose. This can build vertically as fast as a foot per minute. OP also serves artistic applications where a fast set is preferred. In cool shade, expect the gelled concrete to allow vibrational re-manipulation up to a half hour after placement.
VC / Vertical Carving is where extreme thixotropic thickening action is needed for vertical build, but with a relatively slower set, allowing subsequent artistic carving over a longer period. With less set acceleration, VC is for a vertical build height of less than 4’ or so (depending on temperature and dose), or a thickness of less than 2”. In hot conditions, and especially also in direct sun, VC may be preferred for general vertical structural applications, where OP may set too quickly.
FS / Fast Set provides an extremely rapid portland cement set, with less thickening action. FS has none of the drawbacks of most shotcrete accelerators, while setting cement faster than any of them (at a low dose), and providing strength and shrinkage benefits. FS rheology modification reduces shotcrete rebound significantly.
AS*/ Activated Set is formulated for concrete with significant SCM binder, providing inline activation, so that a SCM-based concrete can build vertically very rapidly, the activation occurring within a pump line. AS contains alkalis, but reduces their role with use of powerful non-alkali components, reducing the cracking otherwise common to alkali activated mixes. AS is not meant for a binder that is entirely, or almost entirely, of portland cement, where conditions for ASR are possible. AS can also be intermixed with other versions.
*Version AS does contain alkalis
These 3D-AdmixTM formulations are all compatible with each other, so can be combined. See the Data Sheet for dosing information (pertaining to version OP).
You can use our simple checkout to purchase our OP formulation of the product. Shipped to USA addresses, a maximum of 3 portions allowed in cart.
After adding to cart it will take you to the checkout page.
Please inquire about shipping to foreign addresses. Thank you!
A 4 oz (125ml) bottle of 3D-AdmixTM will modify anywhere from 60 lb to 450 lb of concrete, depending on w/c, mix design, rate of vertical build. etc. A very tight, rich 3D-print mortar needs very little 3D-AdmixTM to increase build rate, reduce plastic shrinkage, and increase strength at all time periods after hydration. Reports have been as little as “a drop per kilo.” Alternatively, a slightly higher dose of 3D-AdmixTM can be used to significantly reduce cement content while achieving a faster vertical build rate. For general construction, a loose and relatively wet concrete, can benefit more with a higher dose, where the excess water is sequestered into thousands of tiny reservoirs, lowering the effective w/c ratio, densifying the concrete, and increasing strength, while also allowing higher cement substitution with SCMs. The array of close-proximity reservoirs then provides the sequestered water back to the portland cement when most vital for hydration, strengthening and internal curing; the modification substantially improving concrete quality, while seriously reducing plastic/drying shrinkage.
Links to pdfs:
3D-AdmixTM Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Research and Development
Michael Butler, PE
Michael Butler was working in various building trades for ten years, right out of high school. He then attended college at California Polytechnic University, graduated at the top of his class in Architectural Engineering, and was chosen by the Faculty as the Outstanding Graduate. Following this was work as a Licensed Civil Engineer, mostly at structural consulting. Engineering and construction management projects then ranged from trailer homes, to tract homes, to custom homes, to commercial buildings, to high-rise towers, to the largest building in the world. Innovations led to several patents, one winning an Innovative Housing Technology award by the National Association of Home Builders in 2002. Present work is about increasing the efficiency of concrete construction, facilitating the conversion of traditional formwork processes to digitally-controlled concrete placement.
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